Potomac Speleological Club

Sinnett-Thorn Cave Conservancy

About Sinnett-Thorn

The Sinnett-Thorn Mountain Cave System is a complex cave system in Pendleton County, WV which is not only a National Natural Landmark but is also an important nursery and hibernaculum for endangered bat species. Access is managed by the Sinnett-Thorn Cave Conservancy (STCC) which is a committee of the Potomac Speleological Club (PSC). The cave system is on private property and the entrances are protected by bat-friendly, locked gates. The property is posted against trespassing and nobody is allowed to enter the property unless given written permission from STCC.


Due to White Nose Syndrome caving trips are no longer allowed. If the bat population in the cave system ever recovers to the levels seen before WNS, the government agencies involved may consider allowing limited visitation again.

Go here to learn about the disturbance that human visits can cause to to hibernating bats and how humans might exacerbate the occurrence of WNS in bat populations.